Here is Our God Audiobook Review


Here is our GodThis is my personal review on Here is Our God audiobook by Kathleen B. Nielson & D. A. Carson, as part of christianaudio reviewer program

This book is a collection of messages from The Gospel Coalition 2012 National Women’s Conference. Great speakers that we all know well such as John Piper, Tim Keller, and D.A Carson, contribute as well in delivering their message about the glory of our God.

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Romans 1-7 For You Audiobook Review


<a class=Romans 1-7 for you" width="200" height="200" srcset=" 200w, 150w, 100w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px" />This is my personal review on Romans 1-7 For You audiobook by Timothy Keller, as part of christianaudio reviewer program

Just like Judges For You, Timothy Keller writes another great exposition of the book of Romans to you. The book is richer in theology (well, it is based on the book of Romans, after all) compared to Judges For You but it should serve only as an “appetizer” for you to read the whole book of Romans in the bible and study them yourselves.

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Doing a better daily devotional


Are you spending time with God every day consistently (i.e daily devotional time)? How long do you normally spend your time with God? Though it is not the matter of quantity itself, it still shows how serious you are in spending time with Him. For example, if you only spend 2-3 minutes everyday for your daily devotions, then it is at an alarming stage (especially if you have already been a Christian for years).

If you are longing to have a better daily devotional time with God (i.e consistent, longer, and deeper), these tips may help you out. They are not the “must-do steps”, of course, because each person may have different methods or preferences in a sense. So, feel free to share yours as well in the comments section below.

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How to be a good Christian leader – learn from David’s mistake


Whether you were recently being appointed as a leader in your church (one of the elders, a cell group leader, or an event coordinator) or you have been one for a while, it does not matter. Our attributes and values can change any time and it is important to keep them in check. To keep them focused on God and God alone.

A good leader is kinda different from a good Christian leader. You can find lots of tips from books or secular leadership seminars on how to become a good leader. For example, to be a good leader, you need to lead by examples, inspiring, motivating, positive thinker, and so on. If you stop there, then Osama bin Laden, Napoleon, or Hitler was a good leader, right? They even had followers who were loyal to the death.

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Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart Audiobook Review


salvationThis is my personal review on Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart audiobook by J.D Greear, as part of christianaudio reviewer program

The title of the book caught me at first glimpse. It sounds controversial and there were funny questions going into my head the moment I saw the title.

The book mainly focuses on giving the assurance of salvation. How do you really know that you are saved? If it’s true that “once saved, always saved”, then why some of us doubt our salvation?


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Why did God punish David for doing a census in 2Samuel 24?


If you read 2Samuel 24 (or 1Chronicles 21), you’d find that God punished David for doing a census. The reason is not explicitly written on the Bible so there are lots of interpretations on this.

One of the most popular “theories” is because David did not rely on God anymore but on his own army’s strength (hence, why he tried to find out the strength of his military power). I tend to go for the other one – because David wanted to take pride of his own army.

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Judges for you by Timothy Keller audiobook review


Judges for you review

This is my personal review on Judges For You audiobook by Andy Stanley, as part of christianaudio reviewer program

This audiobook is actually 6.7 hours long but thankfully, each minute of the audiobook is worth listening to, thanks to the awesome writer, Timothy J Keller, and also the narrator Maurice England.

The book “Judges for you”, as the title suggests, takes a deeper (and overview) look of the Book of Judges in the Bible. Whether you have read the Book of Judges in the Bible or not, this is a great book to hear. It covers the whole chapters but at the same time, Timothy Keller also adds a lot of exposition and reflection questions.

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Treasures in heaven


Matthew 6:19-21 says:

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rustdestroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

What is Matthew trying to say here? Treasures in heaven? What are those? Some kind of savings in a heaven’s bank of some sort? Some kind of a currency to buy stuffs when we are in heaven? Is this supposed to be our purpose for living at the moment? To do good and work for God so that we have more of these treasures?

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